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48. Color Tunable, Lithography-free Refractory Metal-Oxide Metacoatings with a graded refractive index profile

48. Color Tunable, Lithography-free Refractory Metal-Oxide Metacoatings with a graded refractive index profile

J. Perkins, H. Cheng, C. Craig, D. W. Hewak and B. Gholipour

47. Asymmetric transmission in nanophotonics

47. Asymmetric transmission in nanophotonics

A. Sheikh Ansari, A. Iyer & B. Gholipour

46. Roadmap on Chalcogenide Photonics

46. Roadmap on Chalcogenide Photonics

B. Gholipour, S. R. Elliott, M. J. Müller and M. Wuttig, D. W Hewak, B. E Hayden, Y. Li, S.S.Jo, R.Jaramillo, R.E. Simpson, J. Tominaga, Y. Cui, A. Mandal, B. J. Eggleton, M. Rochette, M. Rezaei, I. Alamgir, H. M. Shamim, R. Kormokar, A. Anjum, G. Zeweldi, T. S. Karnik and J. J. Hu, S. O. Kasap, G. Belev and A. Reznik

45. Photoionic driven movement of metallic ions as a nonvolatile reconfiguration mechanism in amorphous chalcogenide metasurfaces

45. Photoionic driven movement of metallic ions as a nonvolatile reconfiguration mechanism in amorphous chalcogenide metasurfaces

L McRae, Y Xie, B Gholipour

44. Fiber-Integrated Phase Change Metasurfaces with Switchable Group Delay Dispersion

44. Fiber-Integrated Phase Change Metasurfaces with Switchable Group Delay Dispersion

T. Martins, Y. Cui, B. Gholipour, J. Y. Ou, O. Frazão, K. F. MacDonald

43. Engineering the collapse of lifetime distribution of nitrogen-vacancy centers in nanodiamonds

43. Engineering the collapse of lifetime distribution of nitrogen-vacancy centers in nanodiamonds

H. Li, J. Y. Ou, B. Gholipour, J. K. So, D. Piccinotti, V. A. Fedotov, and N. Papasimakis

42. Photonic implementation of artificial synapses in ultrafast laser inscribed waveguides in chalcogenide glass

42. Photonic implementation of artificial synapses in ultrafast laser inscribed waveguides in chalcogenide glass

M. Ramos, V. Bharadwaj, B. Sotillo, B. Gholipour, A. N. Giakoumaki, R. Ramponi, S. M. Eaton, and C. Soci

41. Optoelectronic gas sensing platforms: from metal oxide lambda sensors to nanophotonic metamaterials

41. Optoelectronic gas sensing platforms: from metal oxide lambda sensors to nanophotonic metamaterials

J. Perkins and B. Gholipour

40. Reconfigurable chalcogenide phase change metamaterials: A materials, device and fabrication perspective

40. Reconfigurable chalcogenide phase change metamaterials: A materials, device and fabrication perspective

A. Mandal, Y. Cui, L.McRae and B. Gholipour

39. Ultraviolet hollow-core waveguides with sub-unitary index chalcogenide cladding

39. Ultraviolet hollow-core waveguides with sub-unitary index chalcogenide cladding

J. Li, B. Gholipour, D. Piccinotti, K. F. MacDonald and N. I. Zheludev

38. Fibre-integrated phase-change reconfigurable optical attenuator

38. Fibre-integrated phase-change reconfigurable optical attenuator

T. Martins, B. Gholipour, D. Piccinotti, K. F. MacDonald, A.C. Peacock and N. I. Zheludev

37. The promise of phase-change materials

37. The promise of phase-change materials

B. Gholipour

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